Ease and confidence are often gained through preparation for the event ahead. By completing of our end-of-life documents, contemplating and envisioning our own death, and making decisions about our after-death care, we lessen fear about our final days and also offer a gift to our loved ones. We leave them with the information they will need to fulfill our wishes, thus relieving them of the tension and stress that may arise when trying to guess what we would have wanted.
The problem is we think we have time. ~ Jack Kornfield
Workshops & Training
Click each link to learn more, and for upcoming dates and times.
- Advance Care and After Death Care Directives
- Preparing for Your Own Good Death and Life
- Home Funeral & Death Care Midwife Training
Bring CEOLT To Your Community
One of our many dreams is to train and empower communities and groups (faith communities, clubs, schools, etc.) to learn about and prepare for death. When a group of people come together for the good, so much can happen. We at Center for End of Life Transitions are happy to bring our courses to you – to your community or group. We have done this with various communities including the School of Integrated Living, Heritage Unitarian Universalist Church, Jubilee, and many others. We have witnessed the power of these offerings when taught amongst a circle of friends.
Contact us to discuss scheduling and pricing, or for individual consultations and tailored group trainings.
*We offer discounted prices if you host and manage signups.
Sometimes, the best first step is to have us do a presentation about Center for End of Life Transitions, after-death care, and home funerals. Our sister organization, Carolina Memorial Sanctuary, is a conservation and green cemetery; we also offer a combined presentation which covers both projects. Presentations are free of charge.